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New roof Denver

Do You Need a New Roof? Here's How to Tell

Your home's roof is fundamental to its structural integrity, and it's vital to know when it requires a replacement. It can be tricky to determine when a roof has reached its lifespan, but there are several telltale signs that indicate the need for a new roof. Here, we’ll guide you through the critical indications that it’s time to consider a roofing upgrade.
Home inspection Denver
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How to Evaluate Water Damage in Your Home

Discovering water damage in its early stages can save you a tremendous amount of time, money, and stress. Unfortunately, water damage can be a stealthy adversary, often accumulating unnoticed until major repairs are needed. Keep your home safe and dry by learning how to spot water damage before it escalates into a major issue.
Home inspection Colorado

Get Your Home Air Conditioning System Summer-Ready

Summertime brings the promise of long sunny days and outdoor fun, but it also calls for a well-functioning home cooling system to combat the sweltering heat. Properly preparing your AC for the warm months not only ensures comfort but also prevents inconvenient breakdowns and saves on energy bills. Here’s how to gear up your cooling system for the summer season.
Home inspection Denver

Understanding the Challenges of Expansive Soil

Expansive soils are present in various regions around the world and pose significant challenges to buildings and infrastructure. These soils are characterized by their capacity to swell when they absorb water and shrink upon drying. This expansion and contraction cycle can exert pressure on foundations, roads, and underground utilities, leading to damage that can be costly to repair.
Home inspection Colorado

The Top 5 Questions to Ask During a Home Inspection

Purchasing a home is a monumental decision, and a thorough home inspection is a pivotal step in the process. It not only uncovers potential problems but also equips you with the knowledge you need to make an informed buying decision. To maximize the benefit of a home inspection, it's critical to ask the right questions.
Signage caught in a flood.

An Introduction to Flood Insurance

If your home is located in a flood-prone area, it is important to have flood insurance. Here's a look at what flood insurance is and how it can help you.
A large crack in concrete from an earthquake.

An Introduction to Earthquake Insurance

If you live in an earthquake-prone area, it is important to have earthquake insurance. Here's some tips to follow when looking into earthquake insurance.
A house with maple leaves during fall.

5 Steps Every Homeowner Should Take to Get Ready for Fall

As fall approaches, it's important to prepare your home for the colder months. Here are five steps to help get your home ready for fall.
Fire place burning.

What Every Homeowner Needs to Know About Carbon Monoxide

In this blog post, we will highlight why it’s crucial for homeowners to learn about CO and how to stay safe from its potentially deadly effects.
The Colorado state flag hangs over the city streets.

What’s Next for Denver Real Estate in 2023?

Let’s take a look at how the Denver markets are most likely to be heading over the next several months.
Structural insulated panels (SIPs) being used in a construction project.

What Homebuyers Should Know About Structural Insulated Panels

Here’s what you, as a homebuyer, should know about SIPs and their benefits from a construction standpoint.
3D Printer working

How 3D Printing is Revolutionizing Homebuilding

Here's how 3D printing is being scaled up to massive sizes and being used in the construction industry.
Suburban Homes

A Step-by-Step Guide to Investing in Real Estate in 2023

Here’s what you should know when it comes to investing in real estate in 2023.
Construction workers surveying a construction site. Photo by Scott Blake from Unsplash.

How Standardization is Modernizing Construction

Let’s look at how standardization is bringing construction into the modern age.
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Property Manager

Here's what you should know before hiring a property manager.
Photo by <a href="">Josh Berendes</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Denver’s 10 Most Striking Architectural Landmarks

Denver, Colorado has some gorgeous vistas – but these natural wonders pale in comparison to the Mile High City’s man-made ones. Here are ten of Denver’s most striking architectural landmarks.
An essential and required safety component on any construction site is the hard hat.

Why Safety is So Important On Construction Sites

Being in construction is a dangerous line of work, requiring the use of power tools and heavy machinery. Without adequate safety measures put in place, workers face a high likelihood of being injured, often fatally. In other words, workplace safety on construction sites should be the first thing on every contractor’s mind. 
Two contractors look over a job site

The 5 Different Types of Commercial Contractors

In order to ensure that your project moves along efficiently and successfully, it's essential to know the role that different contractors play in the process. Here are some key points that distinguish these 5 different types of commercial contractors.
A desk with papers on it

5 Benefits of Offsite Manufacturing in Construction

Choosing to build construction components offsite results in higher overall project performance and efficiency. Offsite building processes are identical for each component constructed, which means that it takes less time to construct these components than if the raw materials were first delivered on-site and then integrated, one by one, into an existing structure. 
Two people working on their computers

What is the Design Manufacture Construct (DMC) Construction Method

The Design-Manufacture-Construct delivery method, which incorporates all development activity under one contact, is one of these paradigms. Here’s what you need to know about this delivery method, how it works, and how it stacks up to other methods. 
The denver city skyline

4 Trends Driving Denver Real Estate in 2022

The real estate market for the Metro Denver area has been very active over the past few years, and they have been characterized by strong demand. Combined with a low supply of available properties, rising home prices, and record-low mortgage interest rates, Denver real estate has been a strong seller’s market since at least 2020.
A house in the process of being built

The Modular Construction Process Step-by-Step

The unique nature of modular construction makes it versatile, affordable, and an excellent alternative to on-site construction for many. This process is only going to become more popular as time goes by – the next house you live in just might be modular as well.
A man stands in front of a building with a mask on

How the Pandemic is Changing Where and How We Live

Massively disruptive events always change the social landscape. Just as the Great Depression colored the sensibilities of people who lived through it, generations of people today are likely to feel the long-lasting results of the coronavirus pandemic for decades to come.
A person touching and working with wood

What You Need to Know About Engineered Timber Construction

Using engineered wood in construction projects is one of the best ways to add durability and strength to structural elements of any building. The relative cost of many engineered timber products represent savings when compared to solid wood because their construction often makes use of castoffs and other byproducts that would otherwise go to waste. 
A contractor writing on a clip board

A Look at the Different Construction Management Jobs on the Jobsite

Are you interested in what these different construction management jobs entail? Whether you’re simply curious or you’re thinking of pursuing a career in construction management yourself, here’s a long, hard look at the different construction management jobs you can find people doing on the typical jobsite.
A city in the mountains

What You Need to Know About Radon in Colorado

Radon is responsible for 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year, 2,900 of which were people who have never smoked. In fact, radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers.
A brick house under a blue sky

Can You 'Fail' a Home Inspection?

You did it. You found a home buyer. They’re absolutely head over heels in love with your house. They’re ready to sign the sale contract. But first, you have to get through your home inspection.
The boulder flatirons on a beautiful day

The Most Common Issues Uncovered During Home Inspections in Colorado

That home sale is right around the corner. It’s just within your grasp. But first, you have to pass the home inspection.
Hands hold hail after a storm

The Truth About Hail Damage in Colorado

There's no getting around the fact that the Front Range sits squarely in what's been called "Hail Alley." It's not just that we get a lot of hailstorms in the summer, but when we get them they tend to dump a lot of hail and it can get pretty big.
A home sits under blue sky

What Issues Should You Look Out for When Buying a New Build Home?

When you’re house-hunting, a new build carries an unmistakable allure. You could live in a home someone else previously occupied–and deal with outdated plumbing, carpets that need to be torn out, and the smell of previous owners’ pets–or you could live in a pristine new home that no one else has occupied.
Denver city skyline

The State of Denver Real Estate in 2021

Denver has long enjoyed a reputation as a hip, happening city to live in. It has long been one of the hottest real estate markets in the country, with real estate booming as the economy grows alongside it.
A brick house under a blue sky

What to Expect From the Denver Real Estate Market in 2021

It's been an interesting decade for home buyers and sellers in Colorado. The metro Denver real estate market, in particular, came roaring back from the 2009 housing crash, leading to rapid development, tight home inventory and bidding wars among buyers that were more reminiscent of places like New York City and the Bay Area than Colorado's Front Range.
A house in the hands of an adult

What to Expect from a Home Inspection

A home inspection is incredibly important for the home buying or selling process, and you need a licensed professional you can trust. The best home inspectors are thorough and provide you with an extensive, easy-to-read report. For the top home inspector in the Denver area, look no further.
Two adults look at a construction project

What Does a Structural Engineer Do?

Structural engineers are licensed professionals that are trained in engineer design configurations for man-made structures. A structural engineer focuses on the design and physical integrity of tunnels, buildings, and bridges. Their purpose is to ensure the physical structure will be able to handle the loans and force it will encounter and remain structurally sound. 
The Sydney opera house at dusk

What are Structural Design Services?

The design phase involves “a detailed consideration of the alternative solutions defined in the planning phase and results in the determination of the most suitable proportions, dimensions and details of the structural elements and connections for constructing each alternative structural arrangement being considered.”
A beautifully decorated office

What Does it Mean to Live in a 'Healthy Home'?

InterNACHI publishes a checklist that homeowners can use to inspect their own home for risk factors, but here are some of the high points.
A street sign in partially underwater in a flood

Let's Talk About Flood Insurance

We learned this firsthand in 2013 when floodwaters all but destroyed the town of Lyons and inundated the Longmont area and nearby Weld County. But flooding is a concern outside of Northern Colorado as well.
A home inspection

What to Expect from a Home Inspection in Colorado

Part of a thorough home inspection is analyzing everything. And while no home is perfect and each will have its share of issues and recommendations for repair, there may be certain findings that require immediate attention. Here’s a closer look at some of these things an inspector may find that need to be immediately addressed:
Hail in someones hands

Hail Season is Here in Colorado. Are You Ready?

For homeowners, there’s no telling when or where exactly a hail storm will strike, so it’s important to review your property ahead of time so you’ll be able to spot potential damage later on and protect yourself now.
A half built house

What Kinds of Projects do Structural Engineers Work On?

Ultimately, structural engineering is a very important and valuable form of engineering as it ensures that our homes, buildings, bridges, and other structures are built safely and securely. When you hire an engineer, they can provide a variety of services to oversee the planning, construction, and ongoing support of a wide variety of real estate and infrastructure projects.
A person writes on a clip board

What Does InterNACHI Certification Mean for Home Inspectors?

InterNACHI School has been accredited by the United States Department of Education as a postsecondary education institution. As such, it provides tuition-free online training, examination, certification, and continuing education to InterNACHI members in the United States, Canada, and around the world.
A person in a vest writes on a clip board

What Does a Commercial Property Condition Assessment Include?

A commercial property condition assessment can provide a wealth of crucial information for anyone interested in (or concerned about) the current state of a property and its surrounding site.
A person writes on a clip board

The 5 Most Important Building Codes in U.S. Construction

Failing to comply with U.S. and state building codes may result in hefty fines, authorities deeming a building uninhabitable or closure of a commercial business building. In severe cases of noncompliance to building codes, individuals relevant to building the structure could even face jail time.
A partially built house

What CLT and Glue Laminated Timber Means for the Construction Industry

While CLT and glulam have been somewhat controversial recently, these products offer a myriad of benefits for construction firms, not the least of which is saving money and time by being put together off site. If you are in the planning stages of a new project, consider adding these products to your construction plans.
A hail storm on a home

Colorado Destroys Buildings. Here's How

While no structural engineer or building construction company can guarantee with certainty that a structure is 100 percent protected from extreme Colorado weather events, it can be more costly in the long-term to skimp on paying for professionals to advise you on building code compliance, the best building material to use and what your structure needs regarding expansive soil and extreme weather.
Structural engineer points at a building

What is a Structural Engineer?

Today, structural engineers are highly trained and skilled individuals who are a vital part of the building process. 
A toilet against a green wall

Preventing Septic System Problems Over the Long Term

Remember, the sooner you get your septic problems resolved, the chances are you can save money and trips to your friends and family's homes to brush your teeth, shower, and take a bath.
A trailer outside

3 Structural Questions to Ask When Considering an Off-Site Building

Here are a few questions to ask when considering an off-site built structure.
A house sits against a blue sky

How a Home Inspection Will Save You Money

While avoiding a home inspection could save some money initially, this will prove to be a very costly mistake. In many situations, having a home inspection done can actually save you a lot of money in the long run.
A model home sits on a table

How Much Homeowners Insurance Do I Need? What to Consider When Choosing a Policy

The bottom line is, considering all the factors that go into covering your home, a stable and reliable homeowner insurance policy is one of the best investments you can make.
A person stands next to a brick building

Is Your Home Built On Expansive Soil?

In order to provide structural protection to your expansive soil based property, you need to keep the following in mind: Test and classify soil, design to reduce moisture content and insulate against volume changes, maintain a proper moisture environment.
A building being powerwashed

5 Steps Every Homeowner Should Take to Get Ready for Spring

Spring cleaning is about more than just scrubbing the floors and cleaning the windows. It includes a whole lot of maintenance work around the house, checking on major systems to ensure smooth function year-round.
A fire burns in the forest

The 5 Worst Wildfires in Colorado History

The state of Colorado sits at the intersection of several risk factors that make the region particularly susceptible to wildfire. It is heavily covered in vegetation, ranging from grasses on the plains to trees and shrubs in the foothills and high country.
Expansive soil cracking on the ground

Understanding Colorado’s Unique Expansive Soil

The soil in Colorado is very dry and, as a result, expands and contracts based on moisture content. This type of expansive soil can be very dangerous to structures, shifting and cracking foundations as it shrinks and then breaking into walls as it expands when water is added to it.
A man works on top of a roof

Do I Need a New Roof? Here Are the Signs

“The roof caving in” and “keeping a roof over your head” aren’t idioms for nothing; it’s because roofs are one of the most—if not the most—essential parts of your home. Aside from the obvious perils of a roof collapse, a compromised roof can cause all sorts of other issues for the rest of your house.
Two Hands Holding Hail

It’s Hail Season in Colorado. Here’s What You Need to Know

Monday, May 8, 2017, should not have been a particularly eventful day, but in parts of Colorado’s Front Range, it turned into a day that few will likely ever forget.
A worker fixes an air conditioning unit

Preparing Your Home Cooling System for Summer

So it can be hot on the Front Range.‍ Traditionally, this has been a problem due to the fact that many historic homes in the region were not designed with warm weather in mind and often do not have cooling systems.
Peeling paint on an interior ceiling a result of water damage caused by a leaking pipe dripping down from upstairs

How to Spot Water Damage in a Home

“Checking washing machine hoses, ice maker connections, and the plumbing around water heaters are a few simple actions you can take to prevent both damages and a lot of headaches.”
A home with icicles

Don’t Let an Ice Dam Ruin Your Roof

As ice builds up on the edges, a dam is formed. Further melting from the rest of the roof then backs up behind the dam, eventually working its way under the shingles and into the house.
Cracked soil

Here’s What Expansive Soil Problems Look Like

Expansive soil is a common problem for structures worldwide, and can be found in all 50 U.S. states. In fact, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers, as many as 25% of U.S. homes are at risk of damage due to expansive soils and the problem causes more financial losses in a typical year than all natural disasters combined.
A white dog walks around a new house

The 5 Most Important Questions to Ask During a Home Inspection

Here are five questions that all home buyers should make sure are answered during their home inspection.