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March 12, 2024

How to Evaluate Water Damage in Your Home

Discovering water damage in its early stages can save you a tremendous amount of time, money, and stress. Unfortunately, water damage can be a stealthy adversary, often accumulating unnoticed until major repairs are needed. Keep your home safe and dry by learning how to spot water damage before it escalates into a major issue.

Home inspection Denver

Discovering water damage in its early stages can save you a tremendous amount of time, money, and stress. Unfortunately, water damage can be a stealthy adversary, often accumulating unnoticed until major repairs are needed. Keep your home safe and dry by learning how to spot water damage before it escalates into a major issue.

Early Indicators of Water Damage

Discoloration and Stains

One of the primary signs of water damage is the appearance of stains. Look for brownish or yellowish discolorations on walls, ceilings, and floors. Especially keep an eye on the areas around appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, and refrigerators.

Changes in Flooring

Warped, buckled, or cupped floors can indicate water damage beneath the surface. Whether you have hardwood, laminate, or tile, any unusual levelling or bulging should be investigated promptly for potential water damage.

Musty Smells

Never ignore a musty or moldy scent in your home. This odor indicates the presence of excess moisture, which could be due to a hidden leak. Water damage often occurs behind walls or in other places that are not immediately visible.

Visible Mold

Spotting mold in any part of your home is a telltale sign of moisture issues. Mold prefers dark, damp areas, so if you notice it on walls, ceilings, or in corners, you likely have water damage nearby.

Peeling or Bubbling Paint and Wallpaper

When drywall absorbs water, it leads to the blistering of paint or wallpaper. If you notice peeling, flaking, or bubbling on your painted surfaces or wallpaper, it could be a clue that water is damaging the wallboard underneath.

Increased Utility Bills

An unexplained spike in your water bill might signal a leak in your home. If you can’t account for increased water usage, conduct a thorough check for leaks or water damage in your home.

Handling Suspected Water Damage

Addressing water damage in its initial stages can minimize its impact. Here’s what you can do if you suspect water damage:

  1. Inspect your home regularly for the telltale signs mentioned above. Early detection is critical in preventing extensive damage.
  2. Check hidden areas, including crawl spaces, attics, and behind appliances, for any signs of leakage or moisture build-up.
  3. Touch test suspicious areas. If a spot on your wall or floor feels damp, it’s time to investigate further.
  4. Promptly repair leaks as soon as you discover them. Delaying repairs can lead to more significant damage and costly consequences.
  5. Employ professional assessment if you're unsure or the issue seems extensive. Experts in water damage restoration can accurately diagnose the problem and suggest appropriate solutions.

Remember, the key to managing water damage is vigilance. Regular checks, being aware of the signs, and taking immediate action can prevent the situation from deteriorating. Your home is one of your most valuable assets; protect it by being proactive about water damage detection and repair.

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